Tuesday, August 9, 2011

The Boeing 757

!±8± The Boeing 757


Increased demand on existing routes Boeing 727 that often obscures the ability of even elongated version of the -200 series, in combination with modern technology imposes the need for a larger version of this venerable Tri-Jet, or completely new design.

The first attempt, the adoption of the first batch was characterized by a stretched fuselage enough to 189 passengers and three refanned, with a capacity exceeding Pratt and Whitney JT8D-217 engines, each of which contains the development£ 20,000 boost. Designated the 727-300B, appeared in 1975 at the Paris Air Show in the model. Despite the initial interest of United Airlines, the carrier had heard that he needed more advanced engines quiet.

A fundamental redesign of the 727, while keeping the nose, forward fuselage and T-tail, and the word "7N7" characterized by a stretched fuselage and wings, a new technology, together, as the much smaller 737, two lattice mounted engines, the Pratt & WhitneyJT10D-4-535 RB.211 had Rolls Royce and General Electric CF6-32 will be considered. Even if it was determined, like its counterpart inceptional for its one-stop transcontinental sectors wing tank contained a sufficient volume for possible use in long distance.

Because widebody comfort was good, the travelers were on intercontinental routes, one iteration short, a wider fuselage section for the twin-aisle, 180-passenger accommodation was explored. The concept wouldmet two requirements: 1). Would give more comfort and better compete with the then-pending AIRBUS A-300 in a relatively short national in the United States, and 2). It would be too long fuselage had to be able to avoid justice for all future capacity expansion, eliminating the need for longer landing gear struts to maintain proper function of angle off.
The width imagined, but had too much of a reward for these benefits already, asshows interest in airline weak, as well as the weight and resistance associated with a second gear and only one other place, date and impractical to its cross section, although larger than that of 7N7, but it was too narrow to accept standard LD -3 baggage and cargo container.

Return to their studies narrow body Boeing has suggested a modern, high-capacity 727, which was in February 1978 featured the nose, cockpit and fuselage section, but had a new wing andadd two jet engines for passenger-170, occupied much of the development community at the same time, 7x7 twin-aisle design. Redesignated "757," would be the fifth major Boeing commercial aircraft models that will lead 7-7 after the sequence line numbers 707, 727, 737 and 747, all but the last of which was the subtle body.

Compared to the 727 who had intended to replace, had a fuel consumption of less than 15 percent are offered, nor its main wing areaNatural promoted weight gain, scope and capacity for all future derivatives.

To reduce the development costs with the 767 and its wide-body, twin-aisle, twin-engine counterparts worked initially for one-stop transcontinental routes, Boeing, where possible, the maximum commonality of both aircraft and the species then jointly same section of the nose forward, windshield, wheels, quad-main landing gear units, avionics and cockpit systems.In fact, the two plans, the formation of a new generation would benefit from advanced widebody jets and narrow double propagate a common type rating, mixed-fleet flying from carriers, both types can be used, and also the originally planned 727 -style t-tail was 767 in favor of traditional, low-wing configuration at the end of the planning phase, which should lead to greater commonality with the 767 which replaced the 727 has been eliminated.

Start order for 21 firm and 24 options and 18Companies and 19 options were from Eastern Airlines and British Airways 13 August 1978, presented at Rolls Royce RB.211-535C-engine plane. With a capacity-196 for the transport of passengers in six adjacent 34-inch pitch seat configuration, the 757, was 220,000 pounds gross weight, optimized for the 2,000 nautical mile sector, while an optional, 230,000 pound weight range increase to 2,500 miles.

Structural weight savings, reduced seat mile was reached withAdvanced composite and aluminum alloy, the former of carbon fiber reinforced plastic under the bonnet, wings, spoilers, elevators and rudder, and Kevlar-reinforced plastic fairings of the engine pylon and the lateral and vertical tail tip was used disguises. Alloys of copper and zinc-aluminum were used for the wings of airplanes, stringers and beams the lower leg.

The aircraft, in its original version features an overall length of 155.3 meters 757-200.

TheAluminum alloy, two spar, passed continuously through the central portion of the fuselage, offered span 124.10 meters, 1994 square meters and five percent of the dihedral, and shared with a high degree of sharing that has developed for the 767, the Its aft-loaded profile drag increases delay Mach. But it was the thinnest point of the root position of the hull compared to 25 and provided 32.5 percent of the sweep. His move was opposed by traditionally provided higher its standardMission profiles, which due to their shorter maturities, higher rates of ascent and descent cycles result. He had a 7.82 aspect ratio, or ratio of length to width.

It was full of lift-span extended five cartons of double-notched section and trailing edge flaps, while the control roll-to-speed, outboard ailerons, spoilers are backed by five chapters has been made available. You could alternatively be used as speed brakes on the ground or in flight plate silos, where twoInterior panels spoiler can also be used.

No power, high-bypass turbofan with two ratio, the lower edge of the front wing pylon, and their diameter was possible with the rear fuselage of the 727 available have made the arrangement install bringing the flexion of relief.

The Rolls Royce RB.211-535C, which has developed a cut version of the 42,000 pounds of thrust fans RB.211-22B for the Lockheed L-1011 TriStar employs composite pod design to reduce weight and ran the firstabout 757 on January 23, 1982. The three trees, 37.400 pounds of engine thrust was elected for the first time customers of Eastern Europe and British Airways.

The most advanced RB.211-535E4 involving large fan blades agreements, increases high-pressure form, and a common exhaust nozzle for the fan and core flows, has offered an eight percent fuel economy in its mode cruise and a ratio of four points of pressure to increase from 23:01 to 27:1, 535C on its previous version. The 40 100 lb thrust engine wasCertified 30 November 1983 and first flight of the prototype 757 in February.

Pratt and Whitney PW2037, originally suggested by American Airlines and Delta, was the second plane, and only the rest of the engine. Originally called the JT10D turbofan had the DOHC, inceptionally 26.700 pounds of thrust of the engine, when the program was provided in February 1972 launched the current 37,000 pounds of thrust turbofan, developed the high-pressure compressorEfficiency has been coupled with a smaller compressor with a higher core speed improved. First, the 757 prototype flying in March 1984 was £ 37,600 for the take-off thrust certified and had a bypass ratio of 5.8:1.

Fuel was carried in two integral wing tanks and a central part, with the one stored in external tanks burned last to receive wing flexion relief. The capacity was 11 253 U.S. gallons.

Conventional, low-wing monoplane tail is verytowards the end of the 757 development program that facilitates a reduction in the total length of 18 feet, but resulted in a car longer than the 727 and replaced the soil improves maneuverability. The variable incidence, lift-equipped lift, built the entire duration, torque boxes alloy, had an area 542 meters square, while the vertical structure of three-saving, dual-cell, lightweight pair metal box includes covers 370 square meters area.

The tricycle had aWheels, the nose gear retracting forward and brace two quad bike, or drive side withdrawal Goodrich Dunlop wheels, carbon brakes and tires together.
The interior features two standard surgical teams and home to one observer, while the cabin, 118.5 meters long, 11.7 meters wide and seven meters in height, had brought a great look with widebody, Kevlar, individually compartment Lockable glove compartment, a sculpture ceiling, recessed lighting, side walls shaped and SlimlineSeats.

Seats most numerous class, tone and density, back to the customer's choice, were available. A complete 178-passengers, for example, 16 first class seats side by side in four, 2-2, to set up a 38-inch pitch and 162 economy class seats in six steps, 3-3, in a provision for 34 follow-inch wheel base, and 208 passengers were in a class of 12 first and 196 economy class configuration, it is housed in a 32-inch pitch. A unique classHigh density package and / Charter density, minimum 29-inch including spaces, 214, 220, 234, and 239 passengers, the latter of which the 727-200, the maximum of 50 passengers crossed and fell below the 767 widebody -200 has an equal number.

Access to the cabin can be provided by three passengers / service doors and emergency exits on both sides by two wings or four most important citizen / service doors on both sides are available.

The two underfloor holds, access from the starboard side,Lower deck doors, offered to 700 cubic feet of space in the front compartment and 1,090 cubic meters in the rear.

Boeing 757-Honeywell systems include engine-driven hydraulic pumps Vickers Abex hydraulic pumps and four. An Allied Signal-GTCP331-200 Auxiliary Power Unit (APU) and Ground Power has asked for fires air conditioning, lighting and engine.

The full program approval was received in March 1979 and the final assembly, like all previous narrow body aircraft, there wasRenton, Washington, with the first cut on December 10 and the first major meeting was held 13 months later, in January 1981.

Rolled before January 13, 1982, five months after its counterpart widebody 767, and most of the air for the first time on February 19, 757-200 prototype (N757A) test driver was transported to John Armstrong and led by 37 400 pounds of thrust turbofan RB.211-535C, a successful two-hour, 31 minute inaugural address in which failurehad reached to 250 knots indicated airspeed (IAS), before landing at Boeing's Paine Field flight 'Test Center in Everett. Despite the introduction of the first CRT-equipped, two people from the cockpit, and after the first Boeing Design have launched a kind of foreigners in the life of the engine, it was easy to drive shown.

The plane used in five flight tests ultimately revealed that, compared to the original design specifications of 1979, ishad a 3650-pound weight less operating costs, a 200-nautical miles wider, and burned three percent less fuel.

FAA certification 21 December 1982, the 757-200, Boeing was the longest single-aisle passenger service with Eastern Airlines twin-line after January 1 at the Tampa-Atlanta and Atlanta-Miami route, while British Airways, the configuration of their first 12 aircraft and 174 seats in economy class, has taken delivery of its type, January 25 is open andin service on February 9, from London Heathrow to Belfast, Northern Ireland.

The first PW2037 Pratt and Whitney-powered variant, the first flight March 14, 1984, were delivered to customers Delta Air Lines launch seven months later, in October of the same month that East had its first example of an improved engine, with of RB.211-535E4.

So provided, had the plane, with 186 passengers mixture of class, a gross vehicle weight of 220,000 pounds and a maximum of 198 000 poundsLanding weight and provides a single 2820-mile range, although medium-range versions had a 230 000 pounds and present examples of resistance of 250 000 pounds gross weight, 3,820 miles in this case could be drawn.

Although DC-9, 727 and 737 mature conceptual paths had dictated the need for 757, increasing its weight and then get to use more acceptable trans-and intercontinental sector, partly in response to fuel pricesPrices, and was often, if not replaced, 767-200 services, adds that, first of usurpation, its twin-aisle counterparts. Both Delta and Eastern Europe, for example, segments transcontinental run from their hubs in Atlanta, while this model is imitated USAir in Los Angeles and San Francisco, similar to that of its Pittsburgh-based flight. Ladeco operate intercontinental flights from Santiago de Chile, Miami and New York, in Canada during 3000, Icelandair and Air 2000, all planned and managedleased transatlantic services.


In addition to the first version offered Boeing 757-200 passenger various sub-variants using the same fuselage length and wingspan, even if sold in smaller quantities.

The first of these was the 757-200pF Freighter package for United Parcel Service (UPS) has developed, when there were 20 firm orders and 15 options for the Pratt & Whitney PW2037 aircraft had made 31 December 1985. These functions of a 134 - by 86-inch,upward-opening cargo door with hydraulic main bridge on the front, left side, a small, 22 - by 55-inch door crew access, cargo loading system, a solid barrier between the sliding door 'cockpit and the main cargo deck, and the cancellation of all passenger-related windows, kitchens and toilets. First for UPS September 16, 1987, the twin-engine, with 240,000 pounds maximum takeoff weight, has offered 6,680 cubic feet 1830 cubic meters of main and lower deckIt allows the volume are performed up to 15 pallets in the passenger compartment above.
A modified version, the 757-200M Combi passenger -200 retaining structures and the system of cargo loading 200pF-elements, so that accommodated 150 passengers and three pallets on the main deck, at the same time. Although there was a 250 000 pounds of heavy weight, only one, if they are available, had already ordered, Royal Nepal Airlines.

A conversion program developed byPemco Aeroplex passenger carriers in 1992 allowed existing air mix, change the speed or all-cargo versions, one with 11 276 liters of gasoline in the United States and heavyweight laid-200pF.

The only military version of the C-32A has been replaced by the U.S. Air Force has commissioned its thirst for fuel, obsolete, quad engine VC-137s, and had a 45-person internal presented. First flight from Renton February 11, 1998, the aircraft, ultimately by a fleet of four, hadAirlift Wing was the 89 at Andrews Air Force Base in Maryland work.


A representative of the transatlantic flight from New York, 757-200 Icelandair-JFK to Reykjavik, Iceland has managed forthcomingly is shown.

The aircraft was registered the day, evening departure for Iceland, the TI-FIH operation was 40 100 lb thrust Rolls Royce-535E4 turbofan RB.211 turned on and configured for 22-four side by side, 2-2 , Saga Business Class winged167 seats with footrests and six abreast, 3-3, in economy class seats, all covered with muted blue upholstery. The 250,000 pounds, high gross weight aircraft with a load capacity of 8800-pound average, provided a range of 3900 miles.

Pushed back from Gate 21 at JFK International Arrivals Hall is now being given to existing buildings a mass of 2050 of the Korean Air 747-400 on a muggy, 90 degree days this summer, the blue bordered along fuselaged 757-200, recalls some way for the DC-8-63Shad replaced, but only with half the number of engines has been a stand-alone unit for the separation of the trailer coupling half black from the twilight glow of the clouds on the horizon west highlighted track.

The two people, well characterized transition technology both traditional analog switches and six advanced cathode ray tube (CRT) displays, the first a speed indicator, altimeter, vertical speed indicator, a clock, waiting, and flight instruments, includes asThe latter consisted of the electronic flight instrument system (EFIS), electronic control and two indicators (EADI) and two engines and crew; alarm system (EICAS), the latter to the center. The Electronic Flight Instrument, with the attitude director indicator (ADI) and horizontal situation indicator (HIS) is divided, if the attitude and position information with the help of CRT in seven colors.
Entertainment DirectorIndicator, in particular, autothrottle if the attitude and the pitch and roll data, together with the driving speed, automatic pilot, and combat mode direction, in collaboration with the horizontal situation indicator, which has flown the track, speed and wind direction, the lateral and vertical deviations waypoints and schedule, and could be used in four basic ways. The card will offer the first meteorological radar recorded in different scales, while the VOR mode, if theAircraft position relative to its naturally selected VOR. The ILS-flight mode was related to its relatively ILS localizer and glide slope, and how to plan, the last of the four showed the desired portion of the flight plan with North at the top of the screen.

The flight deck features the yoke otherwise control standards, a center console between the drivers of the sporting chokes, the flap lever, and speed brakes, and a console behind them with communication andNavigation equipment.

Starting the engine, turned the roof near Turbofan respective selector key to one of four modes of departure "number", "FLT", "AUTO" or "CONT" to have been strangled to reach the switch on the face behind the slanted channel fuel, while initiating the necessary speed of the fan air tailcone mounted auxiliary power unit went out. Power Plant parameters, the display above the center of the picture tube, including the engine compression ratio (EPR), fanSpeed ​​(N1) between the rotor speed (N2), high-pressure rotor speed (N3), and the oil temperature, oil pressure and oil flow.

The flight plan and waypoints loaded before the first push-back was.

A butterfly valve to check out fresh after being released from the earth, was double the taxi, on lateral movement of the rudder steering nose with the help of the left side of the captain and the speed made by the EADI.

Third, for takeoff, the 216 000 pounds757-200, operating as Flight FI 614 and the control tower on a frequency of 119.1, was instructed to follow the U.S. 13-track right of 767-300, which uses green light step for the central taxiway step through the aircraft's nose wheel as a moving light on the glittering jewel of the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center in the distance.

Once centered on the runway, the aircraft was instructed to "Icelandair 614, cleared for takeoff, Runway 13-Right. Wake turbulence Attention U.S. 767difficult. "Start-up spool of £ 40 100 turbofan driven Rolls Royce, restricted his movement forward with the help of his brakes before pressing the foot switch and push the flight into a long shelf life in the role played by the circles reduced gas and reach a first check for the nose, raising the oars into force at about 50 knots. The green engine pressure ratio, exhaust temperature, fuel flow, N1, N2 and N3 indications pinnaclingon the CRT, has confirmed that air and fuel to generate thrust.

Call speed to 80 knots began, the plane accelerates the speed of 162 V1 Lift-leveraged in an eight-degree nose-wheel rotation disengagement, divorced from the concrete to the 757 with its wings to generate lift now, portraying her tricycle landing gear and engaging the vertical split mode, when it rose 200 feet on a 175 node, 15-degree position.
The exhaust gasGas temperature and fan speeds and 157 and 917 members.

Search standard tool of their departure (SID), the air wing made a sign in a bank on the left on the Belt Parkway in the twilight, the overcoming of gold, green, bright orange and white spots, like changing the color cast on a canvas Black, of Queens, New York Contact start 126.8.

Climbing through 500 feet, has dedicated his side navigation and autopilot to climb speed, pulling back his controldouble-slotted trailing edge flaps of the five-degree position.

Even if rising 3,400 meters, was instructed to follow a 060-degree direction and climb and maintain 11,000 feet. Iceland long voyage on a diagonal path, provided that climbing a 6,000 feet per minute at 220 knots, the cockpit is always wrapped in the wake. The checklist was completed climb.
Further instructions to climb and maintain 17,000 feet flight 614 crashed on a smoke cloud cover in the directionConnecticut, and overcome their foggy up to 24,000 feet, where he lit the last remnants of ice-blue sky with flashes temporarily.

Apparently in the black, fluffy, empty swirl-incubation, the slender body, narrow body led by his life a prisoner of large diameter to provide the engines in its plateau at the assigned flight level 350, is, by its left wing by a limited line from Arctic Blue Portland, Maine. The VNAV was busy.

Dinner, thorough investigation by the "SagaBusiness Class Menu "and preceded by a selection of aperitifs and spirits" au gratin patented diplomat "and prawns on a bed of lettuce with fresh lemon and cocktail sauce, seafood in a saffron Pernod sauce or fillet of veal with mushroom sauce served with creamy tortellini, green beans and carrots, a selection of soft red and white wines, a basket of bread with butter, Icelandic, Italian Bel Paese cheese, slices of Gouda cheese, crackers, red grapes and walnuts, cheese, raspberry piesauce, coffee, hazelnut and French candy filled.

The Gulf of St. Lawrence, Caught in the black, empty referenceless, the carrying out of its north-east transatlantic route, had pursued the Boeing 757 Intercontinental its way unseen through St. John, New Brunswick, and Goose Bay, Labrador before starting the North American continent beyond the ocean's premonition, the only light now flashes visible from the cab of reflection, lights under the body of the left engineFairing.

Since the Northern Hemisphere Sun situation seemed, but one day soon, in time, 0340 in Iceland, or 2340 hours in New York, in the form of a thin line, almost imperceptible cold, dull blue that separated the night sky above the black , sea surface indistinguishable and smoky, slab-like layers of clouds below. This line represents the horizon. Somewhere beyond the left wing, was the tip of Greenland. The blue line is reinforced.

At dawn next chartreuseGlow pierced the layers of clouds with intensity of fire, the sky turns into a series of dark red and copper strips, projectors arctic snow as cloud cover cumulostratus, which was now visible under the pylon supporting the engine on the left.

Start the landing systems, air-FIH TI leaves a low power, 3,500 feet per minute descent, passing over 32,000 meters in speed crept to celebrate the 300-node. Motor parameters, differentAfter the engine, including engine pressure ratio of 096, the fan speed of 390 and a discharge temperature of 307 landing weight to burn after the road was calculated as £ 180,000 or much less than their maximum.

Bow in the direction and penetration in white and gray tendrils swirl producing clouds to 16,000 feet, the twin through the darkness with his nose bullet bored, assuming now has a 1800 feet per minute descent rate. To keep the 10,000 meter speedRestriction has been imposed on the speed of 250 knots and the altimeter, 2,000 feet.

Descending through 9,000 feet in a shallow, 500 feet per minute rate, cut the captain of the ILS approach chart Keflavik International Airport Runway 20 yoke of his control, automated service in the terminal information (ATIS) development and the determination of coverage cloud, rain and a temperature of nine degrees Celsius for our arrival.

Penetrating density gray on a 089-degree position, the aircraftincreased by 2,900 meters, then the light goes on altitude alarm, indicating imminent approach of the previously set 2,000 feet restriction. The indicated airspeed (IAS) has been elected to the label node "215".

Trailing edge flap after maximum extension speed of the poster cockpit, 240 nodes for a given grade, for five to 220 degrees, 210 for 15, 195 for 20, 190 and 162 for 25 to 30

The display mode changed EHSI extended ILS, and time wasData traffic and the prisoner locator mode button has been activated.

Shedding of the dark appeared to 2,000 feet, the 757 for the navy-blue, silver covered the Atlantic, just stop and use their descent on the right bank to a 141-degree position and the tip of Iceland. The indicated air speed was elected the 180-node setting.

Double-slotted flaps extend its position on the five degrees of speed bled to celebrate the 200-node, get flight 614, a 201-degree finalApproach voice.

The landing gear lever, with 180 knots during the review of the Checklist Final Approach lowered, with the extensions have been incremental flap, followed by 20 - and finally, 30-degree positions, the latter coincides with a note, the nose trim down, 158 to one - nodes. Needled by rain, came up with red and white lights start and to see the runway threshold beyond which the white lines by the touchdown was low cloud cover.

Passing over the green, brown,Gold and moss carpet lava fields and colorful rooftops of Keflavik, 757-200 level of 1,000 feet to 500 feet per minute rate, tied closed its speed to 143 knots VREF, and the gap in the middle of a track 20 progressive diffuse light and automatic height shouts: "100 ... 50 ... 40 ... 30 ... 20 ... 10".

Rebowed beat the concrete with its quad-wheels, extended main landing gear units, the twin to the ground until his right front wheel in contact with whites hadLight centered stripes wrapped its thrust reversers and speed brakes is already armed.

Called ground speed, copy, transmit during the flare, followed by: "80 ... 70 ... 60 ... 50", was disabled at that point the possibility of reversing the thrust and the concrete did not move in the cockpit window.

Start the track running, now with the nose wheel steering wheel, dual body long and narrow, in some way has taken with the confusion of an intercontinental airliner, taxied to theGate One was next to a TI-FIB Icelandair 737-400 registered as the Magic Wand referrers education grew in size until it stopped just inches from his nose, where the hand brake and the accordion was the jetbridge second, expanded the port door.


The increase in demand for tires 757 routes, along with the inherent design flexibility, has led the way in the first version and only differing in size, ten per cent lower seat-mile costs and provide moretheir ability to carry passengers and cargo volume on the floor of 20 and 50 percent.

Prior to September 2, 1996 announced by the German Condor charter flights was a firm order for Flugdienst 24:12 optioned aircraft type, known as "757-300", with its fuselage section 23.4 meters, 13.4 meters, consists of connector Front wing and a connector to three meters behind them, a new, 178.7 meters in length. The world's largest single-aisle twin, only in the long shadowthe quad-engine DC-8 Super 60 series, which could accommodate 289 single-class passengers, six abreast in a 29-inch step, although a typical mixed-class configuration of 12 first-class standards, four adjacent sites associated a 36-inch pitch and 231 economy class six abreast seats in a pitch of 32 inches, all made of elongated, 141.9 meters in length, width cabin look, modeled after the 737 Next Generation Bridge Lower volume also increased, to 1,071 cubic feet of cargo space in the front and 1299Cubic foot hold in the back.

To create the stress caused by the longer fuselage, the reinforcement arrived on the wings, lifting equipment, engine pylons and spur gears and provides protection from excessive rotation requirements.

Powered by two Rolls-Royce RB.211 535E4 turbofan engines, the plane had a 240 000 pounds maximum takeoff weight and a range of 2055 miles with 243 passengers sailing.

The prototype plane 804 and 757-300 NU701built, was the first in Renton, Washington, 19 Rolled in May 1998, and took to the sky for the first time three months later, on August 2, a successful 2.5-hour flight which reached a maximum, to 250 knots indicated air speed and altitude of 16,000 feet. Used in the initial phase of the basic airworthiness and flight tests kingdom of controllability, explores flutter, stalls, stability and control, and demonstrates the need to install the vortex generator on the leadersOuter edge of the flap to improve to a halt.

Two other planes, NU721 and NU722 has allowed the completion of the program after 356 flights, collectively, for a total of 912 hours and has led to FAA certification for 180 minute ETOPS operations January 27, 1999, the completion of the shortest design-to -cycle production of a derivative ex-Boeing, had extended to 27 months.

Condor opens the door into operation two months later, on March 19.

EnhancementsExisting 757-200 and-300 have been achieved by Aviation Partners Boeing Blended Winglet retrofit program. Winglets, with large radii and smooth chord changes of transition sections, do not use drag & Production levels of the spine and provide optimal downforce, generate leads too small wing tip vortices as the right wing or two conventional winglet systems with sharp transitions.

The retrofit, which conducted a system weight of 1,320 pounds has worn offRibs and skin, reinforced transom shower, lock the cover in the lower parts of the flap edge vortex generator, and added new external position and anti-collision light installation.

The system, increasing the duration of an ex from 124.10 to 134.9 meters today revealed a number of economic benefits and performance, including an average annual per-aircraft, a fuel saving of about 300,000 U.S. gallons.

Appointed the first eight feet, two inches winglet-757, -200 seriesContinental Airlines plane first flight March 9, 2005, Everett, Washington, and now the program is considered a complete success.


On October 18, 2004, delivered the 1050 th and final Boeing 757, an original length of the series -200, launched the final assembly in Renton and was in Shanghai China Airlines the following year.

The plane, like a larger capacity, twin-engine design, and as a counterpart above 727with less capacity, tight body complementary to the same advanced 767, for the one-stop transcontinental routes, filling only two markets, so he created his own, eventually becoming both variants with increased capacity and intercontinental long haul. 1049 aircraft delivered, 913 were 757-200 have been, had 80 757-757-200M was a 200PFs had been and was 55757-300.

The victims of the post-9/11 recession and the reduction of air transport was the kindestusurped by its new-generation Boeing 737 and Airbus A-321, whose smaller passenger capacity is more closely integrated with each other requires changing course. Although the current lack of capacity to spare 787-8 able to provide high-capacity 757 sectors, not direct, advanced design-time counterpart is intended to be replaced with high-end versions of its Boeing 737 can then be designated as his replacement. However, the nature of the tip of the single-aisle, twin-engine passenger planeDevelopment, its load and range of parameters beyond those traditionally associated with this configuration.

The Boeing 757

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